Saturday, June 10, 2017

BoxyCharm May 2017 Review - Makeup Is Art

Yea! My BoxyCharm is here for the month of May, and I am so excited to check out all the goodies inside. The weather is heating up and summer is around the corner, so I am ready for some items that will help me fight the heat. BoxyCharm is a monthly subscription box that delivers at least four (but usually five) full size beauty products to your door for only $21. The box always has a value over $100 (I don't know how they do it!), so you'll always get your money's worth. 

This month't theme is "Makeup is Art." I agree to that statement, as your face is a palette, and you can paint it any way you choose. With this theme, I expect some bright colors or a contour palette. Knowing BoxyCharm, there will be a makeup brush to help paint your canvas. BoxyCharm does a really good job of pairing the products with the theme, and since this theme is so different and fun, I am really looking forward to checking out what is inside. 

IBY Beauty Highlight & Contour Palette

$40.00 - 0.6 oz

Just as I predicted, their is a contour palette inside, and this one is quite nice. I've tried out a few products from IBY Beauty, and while it is never on the top of my list, I am always pleased with the items. This palette has everything you need to create the perfect contour. The lightest color makes a great highlight, and while the darkest is a touch too dark for my skin, the other two dark colors will help define. I don't spend much time contouring my face on a daily basis, but this will be ideal for those special nights out or those big events. Plus, this would be a bonus item for all those makeup artists. 

Crown Pro Round Contour Brush


How are you going to paint your creation without your tools. These have been hyped by every blogger and YouTuber ever, and I've really wanted to try it on my own, so I finally get my chance. While I wouldn't use this for contouring, this brush is perfect for all over foundation. The amount of bristles make it perfect for filling in every single line and crease. It does a great job of distributing the foundation perfectly and giving complete coverage. I really love this brush, and I understand the hype. 

The BrowGal Brow Brush


While I do have a few brow brushes that have come with palettes, I have actually never purchased or received a brush on it's own. While this brush is dainty, I love that it does twice the work with two ends. I like that this goes with the theme, and I will use this often I am sure, but I would never have purchased this, especially at this price. Good thing we also received a brow palette as well this month. 

The BrowGal Convertible Brow Palette 02 Brown Hair

$35.00 - 0.19 oz

What do you know, yet another palette for this month's art theme. I do have quite a few brow products since we've been hyping them, but this is a happily welcomed addition. I do have blonde hair, which is kind of a bummer, because only one of these colors would work for me, and I'd have to blend it with another palette. I may experiment by blending the two lightest together instead. I do like this palette, but I wish they delivered the blonde one instead. I think I'd be able to get a lot more use out of it. Oh, well. 

Temptu X Liquid Glow

$29.50 - 1.0 fl oz

Birchbox has sent us one of their bronzers in the past, and most of us were bummed because we didn't have their air spray system, so I am happy to see this one is used by hand. I really don't care to use liquid highlighters and bronzers, because I prefer more of a matte look, so I don't know how well or how much I'd use this. Plus, this is quite hard to blend for someone who isn't used to cream colors. I think I will pass this along to a friend who enjoys this type of product a little more. 

Overall, this box is middle of the road for me. I really like the theme, and I think the products did a great job at tying the products in. I really like the contour brush, and the contour palette will come in use for those fancy events. The brow palette and brush are nice, but I do have other products like this that I will probably grab first. The liquid glow just isn't for me, but I bet someone close to me will appreciate it. This month's box has a value of $143.49. That is absolutely crazy. At least the value is amazing. Hopefully next month's box will nail it on the head. 

If you would like to try BoxyCharm, just click here. It is a great way to try out great products and brands at a great price. 

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