Monday, September 5, 2016

PopSugar Must Have Mini August 2016 Review - A New Start

My PopSugar Must Have Mini has arrived for the month of August, and I am excited to see what they have in store for me this month. PopSugar Mini is a monthly subscription box that delivers a smaller version of the full size box with similar brands and themes for only $18.95. They usually deliver at least two full size products, but once in a while they'll throw an extra product in there to really increase the value. I like this box, but nothing has been great, so I am not sure how long I am going to keep this subscription going. I guess we will see after this box.

This month's theme is A New Start with the inspirational words Motivation, Organization, Order, Fresh, and Transition. I love these words, because I am always looking to revamp and restart, so these products should help me do just that. Also, with the new school year coming up fast, it is definitely a time to arrive with a fresh face. That doesn't exactly work the same with me, because I am completely finished with school, but that doesn't mean I can't refresh by organizing, redecorating, updating my closet, or finding a new makeup look. I hope these products inside will help me do just that. 

CLEAN Cool Cotton Soft Body Lotion

$26.00 - 6 fl oz

I wear lotion on my body almost every single day in the winter, so this is a product I will use, but it is a little off season. I do have to say, though, this clean, cotton scent is very summer and refreshing. Also, this is made with some natural ingredients such as cotton seeds that help soothe, smooth, and moisturize skin. I was pretty happy with the formula. It is the perfect thickness for lotion where it fully moisturizes, but it was still easy to rub in. I am happy with this product, but that price is a little ridiculous. I try to spend $5 or less on my lotion, so I won't ever purchase this again.  


I love office stationary, and I am a huge notetaker, so this product is perfect for me. This block of notes has it's own pen holder with a super cute mini pen included. The paperboard covering around the pen is totally my style, but the red background isn't my favorite. I would much rather preferred the blue or black, since I style my house with those colors much more often, but I can deal with the red. I've also been checking out other products from their line, and everything is super cute. It's also a independent brand, which I love. This is a great product, and a fun surprise to get you ready for a new school year, freshen up your home office, or to bring a little fun to work. 

$12.50 - 3 masks

I absolutely love at home spa nights, and my undereyes are always a place of treatment. I always have dark spots, but wrinkles and puffiness are also a concern. These gel patches stick right to your face, and after only 20 minutes, they help with all those concerns. They also suggest placing these in the fridge before use to create a cooling effect that will help reduce puffiness even more. This is listed as a Surprise!, which I am guessing it means it is a free extra, but this product adds more value to the box, and makes it much more worth the $20 cost. I am really happy with these undereye treatments, and they will definitely go to great use, especially in the late summer heat. 

Overall, this box is alright. I really like all three products, but I'm not in love with any of them, and I definitely wouldn't spend $20 on these three things if I were to go shopping on my own. I will use them all, though, so they are definitely not a complete waste. This month's box has a value of $44.50, which is the most from the PopSugar Must Have Mini so far, but it still isn't that amazing. I would put a value of this box to about $15, because I wouldn't really pay more than that on thees products, so it isn't that great for me. I am going to keep my subscription going through fall to see if they approve, but if not, it's over for me. 

If you would like to try PopSugar Must Have Mini for yourself, just click here. It is great way to treat yourself at a smaller price than the regular box, but still get the same sort of products.


