Saturday, January 14, 2017

Target 12 Days of Beauty Faves Advent Calendar 2016

Yeah! My Target Beauty Advent Calendar has arrived for the 2016 holiday season, and I am excited to check out all the products inside. This single purchase box was originally priced at $24.99, but within days of Christmas, the price was cut in half, and I knew I had to purchase. The only bummer, I won’t get to open each door like a true advent calendar, as I’ll received it after Christmas, but it will still be fun to uncover each surprise. Also, this will be a great after the holidays gift to myself to keep those spirits alive. Like I said before, I only paid $12.49 for this entire box, so I can see some great deals in my short future.

Day 1:

$5.99 - 0.23 fl oz

I didn’t think this advent calendar would start off with such a bang, but this full size lip cream is a great treat. Orangey-pinks look great with my skin tone, so I love every and all peach products. Also, this cream lip color doesn’t dry out my lips like many liquid lip products. I will say, I much prefer matte lips to ultra-shine any day, but this will be great for those nights I want to jazz it up a bit. I think this is the perfect color for Spring, so I am not bummed it didn’t have it for the holidays.

Day 2:


I use a kabuki brush every single day while applying face powder, so I was excited to open one on Day 2. I love the design of the handle, which both fancy and fun, and the bristles are super soft. What you can’t see, this brush is pretty flat, and doesn’t have fullness all around, which disappointed me a tad. Also, it is thinly packed, so it isn’t going to work as well as my more expensive brushes. I do like the angle feature for tight areas, such as around my eyes, and this would work great for bronzer, blush, or highlighter, so I think I am going to keep it for those. This isn’t my favorite item, but it’s still a win.

Day 3:

$1.99 - 0.5 fl oz

I am a fan of Sinful Colors for their cheap prices and cute colors. They aren’t the best quality or the longest lasting, but you can really stock up on any color and stay within your budget. This silver glitter nail polish is something I actually don’t have yet, and it is perfect for dressing up your nails for those big nights out. I am a little sad I didn’t receive this until after New Year’s Eve, because that would be the ideal night to wear this. I am really happy with this color, and will keep it in my collection for when the event calls.

Day 4:

$9.39 - 10 oz    ($1.41 Value)

This is the second deluxe sample I’ve received of this comb thru hairspray, and I am really happy I have yet another bottle to use up. I normally avoid wearing hairspray, because it makes my hair crunchy and it weighs it down. I spend so much time curling, and as soon as I apply hairspray, it wets the curls into a hard mess. This is honestly the product I’ve been waiting for, and it makes me much less reluctant to curl it in the first place. I like that I can comb my fingers through it as well. This has been my favorite discovery of recent.

Day 5:

$9.99 - 6 ct    ($1.67 Value)

Lush is my heaven, so you know I am a fan of bath bombs. They are a great way to turn your normal bath into a luxurious spa, and they do great things for your skin and mind as well. Lavender is one of my favorite scents, and it does a great job of helping me relax and fall asleep. I normally take baths to unwind, so this is perfect. I have yet to try it out, so I am not sure about the quality, but I’m sure it will be amazing. Plus, these may not be as great as Lush’s bath bombs, but they are less than half the price, so I may be scooping some of these up in the future.

Day 6:

$9.99 - 5 fl oz    ($1.00 Value)

I love Pacifica for their natural products and their earth friendly production, so I can already say I am happy to open up this on face wash on Day 6. I mostly own their makeup, so this product is a new discovery for me, and also something I am bound to use. This worked much like any other foaming face wash, but I felt more clean and clear than my normal cleanser. Also, this promises to detox you skin as well. What better way to start your year off right. Also, this may be just a sample, but it will last me at least two weeks. 

Day 7:

$3.30 - 8.5 g

Another full size product and personal favorite for Day 7. Just like Carmex, Burt’s Bees delivers top of the line lip balm that really works, but still looks nice on your lips. I already have a few of these around the house, but it doesn’t hurt to have another, especially during these cold, dry months. While the stick is more sanitary, this tin is way more chic. This was another great surprise, as it is nice to have some favorites along with new discoveries. This will go to use right away.

Day 8:

$8.99 - 5.5 oz    ($1.63 Value)

Speaking of cold, dry weather, but skin needs a little love as well, so this body cream is a great addition. Unfortunately, since this is a sample, this tube is quite small, and it will only be good for possibly two uses. I think I will instead use it as a hand cream. What would look cuter in my new purse I received over the holidays. This scent is really lux without being too overpowering, and the thick cream heals my dry hands. I love this sample, and I will definitely consider purchasing the full size product in the future. 

Day 9:

$15.00 - 3.4 fl oz    ($2.21 Value)

It took until Day 9 to find a product that I’m not too thrilled about receiving. I’ve used a few Pixi face products in the future, but they all didn’t work as well as I hoped, and either was packed full of shimmer (on my face, no thank you) or it crumbled off. This tonic is an exfoliating, alcohol-free toner that helps promote brighter, smoother, and clearer skin. I’ve had acne issues of late, so this might just be the cure. I was really impressed with how well this toner worked. My face felt even more clean than normal, and within a few uses, I could see some acne improvements. I will never again judge a book by the cover. I just wish it were a little less expensive.

Day 10:

$16.99 - 1.75 oz    ($9.71 Value)

Yeah! Another favorite, and another deluxe sample. This face cream is made with all natural ingredients, and helps tone and soften skin all while moisturizing. It has the best light citrus scent, so it will wake you up in the morning, and it soaks in instantly so your face it ready to apply makeup. I stay hydrated all day without any greasy residue. This sample will last me forever, month’s probably, and this is perfect timing really, because I just ran out of the first bottle. This box is blowing it out of the water. 

Day 11:

$11.99 - 0.16 oz

I think I spoke too soon. This is another item I have received in a subscription box before, but one I didn’t particularly like. This does a great job of creating body and volume, but it makes my hair feel gritty and rough. I prefer to be able to run my hands through my hair, so an item like this kind of throws me off. But, since my hair is really thin and straight, any product like this makes it appear to be dirty and a little wild. This is a great product, as it does work, and I like the added value to the box, but I will be passing this along to a friend.

Day 12:

$24.00 - 70 ml    ($5.14 Value)

I think a mask is a great way to wrap up this advent calendar. We made it to Christmas and now it’s time to rest and relax. I traveled to a Winter town for the holiday’s this year, and it was much more dry than I am used to, so this sleeping mask would have been perfect. It is still Winter, though, so I will have plenty of time to use this up. With one try, my face felt fully moisturized, but I did feel like it didn’t fully soak it. My face was still filmy after awaking. I just rinsed it off, though, and all was good. I think I will be using this tonight with a good night’s sleep after this epic review.

Overall, this box was amazing. Besides the Umberto lifting powder, I will get great use out of all these products. Even though I didn’t love them all, it is great to try out new brands and venture outside my comfort zone. Also, this box actually helped me restock on some of my favorite products. This adventcalendar has a value of $51.03. I only spent $12.49, so this is a great deal. I wouldn’t feel so delighted if I paid full price, so I am glad I was able to purchase it with a discount. I hope they do this again next year, because I am excited to do it again.

If you would like to try it next year, keep an eye out for it at They only sell it online. This came out late November, so make sure to splurge on yourself while you start your holiday shopping.

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