Sunday, July 9, 2017

Avenue A by Adidas Summer 2017 Review

Oh, heck yeah! My Adidas Avenue A subscription box has arrived for the Summer season, and I cannot to dig in and check out all my new Adidas gear. Avenue A is a seasonal subscription box that delivers Adidas branded shoes, clothes, and accessories for your workout or lounging at $150 per quarter. These boxes always stick with the season, so you’ll be refreshing your workout wardrobe throughout the year, but they will be pieces that you can wear right now! The products usually value over $300 (and sometimes much more), so it is definitely worth the cost. I love Adidas, and this box is a great way to stock up on their products at a much discounted price, so it is absolutely perfect for me, and I highly recommend.

Each season is curated by a different person, but this month is a little different. Instead it is curated by the yoga company Wanderflow. I love yoga, and I’ve actually visited one of their events, so I am really excited about this curation. Since this company does specialize in yoga, I am hoping for all the yoga gear. Yoga pants, shoes/socks, mat, I want it all. Also, their company does a great job at keeping things natural, so I am hoping for some earthly colors and natural fabrics. This is the most excited I’ve been about the curator, so I have higher hopes for this box than I’ve ever had before. Let’s dig in!


Every single box so far has included a pair of shoes, and this box is no different. These white trainers are so beautiful, clean, and surprisingly light. I love the grey, white, black pattern on the fabric, and it looks great with the bright white rubber. These feel great on as well. I could use these for so many of my workouts as well, but they will also look great with jeans. I do fear the bright white color, though. If I were to wear these outside, they will get dirty almost instantly. Also, these don’t have anything to do with yoga, but I guess you still need a pair of shoes to wear to the studio. These are one of my favorite pairs of shoes Avenue A has sent us, so that makes me happy, and this is already a great start to the box.


I was hoping for some yoga pants, and these three quarter tights will work perfectly with my routine. First of all, the high waist does such a great job holding it all in, especially when upside down, and the elastic is tight without suffocating you or your skin. Second, this pattern is great. I like that compliments the Wanderflow brand, yet it is classic enough to not go out of style. These will look great with a classic white t-shirt or tank, and since Avenue A has sent us a few in the past, I know I have some to pair up. These tights are great, and I will definitely get a lot of use out of these.


I absolutely love when Avenue A sends up a sport’s bra, because I could always use another, and they always so cute. This one has a fun cross strap pattern on the back, which will look so cute under a revealing tank or all alone at yoga class. The grey and orange colors are beautiful too. I like how they go with the other items in the box without being too matchy. This bra is a little tight and uncomfortable, but I know there will be high impact workouts where the snug fit will be appreciated. This is my favorite sport’s bra that I’ve received from this box again, so they are really getting my style right this time around.


This tank top is just alright. I am not a big fan of graphic tees, and this pattern (while fluid with the brand) just isn’t something that pulls me in. To me, this is just a typical cotton tank. I will say, I don’t care too much what I look like when I sweat, and this will come in handy when my laundry has taken my other workout tanks. Also, it is light and breathable, so it is perfect for my yoga workout. I would never pay $35 for this item, nor would I really pick out this design for myself at the store, but I know I will still wear this shirt when in need.

I would normally review one more item, as this box normally delivers five in each box, but I guess this is where this one ends. Overall, I am middle of the road with this season’s box. I absolutely love the sport’s bra and tights. They are great additions to my wardrobe, and I like that you can wear them together or separate. The shoes are amazing as well, and the style is perfect for me, but the white means I can really only use them indoors. The tank top is not my favorite, and I would never pick out on my own, but I will still find uses for it. I am really bummed there are only four products in this box, and it really decreases the value. I hope this is not a theme and they go back to five products next month, because I don’t know if it is really worth the $150 without it. That being said, this box has a value of $215. That is really disappointing for this box, and it makes me think that I could’ve gotten all items I really loved for less. Let’s hope next month’s box kills it to make up for this showing.  

If you would like to try Avenue A for yourself, just click here. The box has so much value and it is a great way to spruce up your workout wardrobe. 

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